The Unapologetic Capitalist revisits with Jordan Schindler, CEO of Textile Based Delivery and Nufabrx to check in on the growth and progress since previously profiling the venture. Jordan talks about the evolution of the company from its inaugural Nufabrx product into developing opportunities for licensing the proprietary technology of Textile Based Delivery. The discussion continues to explore the most appropriate avenues from angel investment to venture capital investment as they seeking … [Read more...]
TheUC 048: Are You Ready to Raise Money?
It is hard to raise money. Yet, building and growing a business often requires capital. However, simply needing cash doesn't mean you are ready to ask for and incorporate investment into your venture. Being ready to raise money means knowing how much you need, what those dollars are being optimally used for, and how and when those dollars will convert to a meaningful return. This episode begins the discussion on assessing whether or not you are "venture ready." When to raise … [Read more...]
TheUC 041: What Kind of CEO Are You?
Are you a good CEO? What kind of leader are you? Many CEOs sink the value of their company by getting distracted by their own media. A good leader and CEO will prioritize the needs of the venture over their personal wants. It is important to learn what outlets and assets to properly leverage to build value in the venture rather than unwittingly destroying the company’s value by indulging in their personal megalomania. The 4 archetypes of CEOs: Naked Emperor/Megalomaniac CEO: Typically … [Read more...]
The UC 038: Building Brand Awareness with Stayful CEO Cheryl Rosner
Building Product and Brand Awareness with Cheryl Rosner, CEO Building brand awareness is key to venture success. Stayful CEO Cheryl Rosner discusses the challenges of building product and brand awareness amongst multiple customer groups. The show includes an in-depth conversation exploring the evolution of creating brand awareness with early adopting customers who are integrally involved in product development to mass market customers who want a perfect product at a low … [Read more...]
TheUC 037: Preparing for Product Launch with CEO Robert Frisch of Firelight Camps
An excellent product launch is critical for venture success. Robert Frisch, CEO of Firelight Camps, discusses the key challenges of preparing for a product launch. Firelight is bringing ‘glamping’ (a high end camping experience) to unique hotel properties and vineyards. The UC and Robert discuss the product launch of an innovative product in the traditional hospitality market space. Key product launch challenges include identifying valuable core customers, gaining market traction, and finding … [Read more...]
TheUC 036: CEO Jordan Schindler Discusses Growing His Venture Nufabrx
CEO Jordan Schindler of Nüfabrx discusses bringing his venture to the next major milestone by balancing investment in sales and inventory management. The discussion hits the 3 key impediments towards achieving the critical milestones in a high growth venture and discusses solutions for building a venture of significant value. Nufabrx Overview: This venture has created a new way to administer essential oils, medications, vitamins and cosmeceuticals. Their approach embeds medications into any … [Read more...]
TheUC 031: Buying Smart – Mastering the Art of M&A
The age old mantra of “buying low and selling high” is the basis for making money on any transaction including an M&A deal. However, there is a difference in perspective if you are a day trader or a house flipper versus buying something to generate substantial long term value. For instance, sensitivity to purchase price is going to be very different for someone buying an investment property versus a buyer looking for a home to live in for many years. There are a lot of great reasons to … [Read more...]
TheUC 029: Repairing Business Relationships
Getting deals done often comes down to business relationships. Sometimes you have to deal with relationships that have gone sour which puts any business in jeopardy. You will have to decide whether or not the value in that relationship is worth saving. There are MANY ways to cross a bridge, but burning that bridge is NEVER going to be an option a smart person will take. But as last episode points out, there are a lot of bad managers and business people that you will have to deal with and they … [Read more...]