Is the Founder of a company the best choice to be the CEO? When should you ask this question? Who do you ask? Join the discussion as Alison Gerlach, The Unapologetic Capitalist, and Todd Uterstaedt, host of From Founder to CEO, contemplate this essential leadership topic as to who is the best CEO to build the most long term value in the venture. … [Read more...]
TheUC 047: Simple Strategies to Create Career Opportunities
No matter what stage you are in your career, you need to make decisions that create career opportunities. The same strategies and tactics that can be used to create growth and value in your venture can also be applied to increasing your career opportunities. In this episode, the Unapologetic Capitalist discusses making decisions that bring supportive growth and add value to you and create genuine career opportunities. … [Read more...]
TheUC 040: Who is the Best CEO for Your Venture?
A CEO’s job is to build long term value in their company. Yet many CEOs fail. Having the right CEO to lead a company is critical to a venture’s success. The wrong CEO can be disastrous. Learn to spot the red flags, and ask the right questions to understand who the best CEO is to lead your venture towards exceptional long term value. CEO case example: American Apparel CEO ousting overview The 4 archetypes of CEOs: Naked Emperor CEO: Typically rule by fear, and need ‘yes men’ around … [Read more...]
The UC 038: Building Brand Awareness with Stayful CEO Cheryl Rosner
Building Product and Brand Awareness with Cheryl Rosner, CEO Building brand awareness is key to venture success. Stayful CEO Cheryl Rosner discusses the challenges of building product and brand awareness amongst multiple customer groups. The show includes an in-depth conversation exploring the evolution of creating brand awareness with early adopting customers who are integrally involved in product development to mass market customers who want a perfect product at a low … [Read more...]
TheUC 037: Preparing for Product Launch with CEO Robert Frisch of Firelight Camps
An excellent product launch is critical for venture success. Robert Frisch, CEO of Firelight Camps, discusses the key challenges of preparing for a product launch. Firelight is bringing ‘glamping’ (a high end camping experience) to unique hotel properties and vineyards. The UC and Robert discuss the product launch of an innovative product in the traditional hospitality market space. Key product launch challenges include identifying valuable core customers, gaining market traction, and finding … [Read more...]
TheUC 036: CEO Jordan Schindler Discusses Growing His Venture Nufabrx
CEO Jordan Schindler of Nüfabrx discusses bringing his venture to the next major milestone by balancing investment in sales and inventory management. The discussion hits the 3 key impediments towards achieving the critical milestones in a high growth venture and discusses solutions for building a venture of significant value. Nufabrx Overview: This venture has created a new way to administer essential oils, medications, vitamins and cosmeceuticals. Their approach embeds medications into any … [Read more...]
TheUC 030: Driving Results with Productive Patience
Patience is a virtue. However, leaders and entrepreneurs tend to be inherently impatient. No matter what stage your company is in, you will always feel the pressure of time and results. Time and results are like a chicken and egg situation. Time will afford you the chance for results, and results will afford you more time. But usually you have dollars flowing out like sands in an hour glass and you don’t have the luxury of letting things play out. Leaders often unknowingly shoot themselves in … [Read more...]
TheUC 020: Think Like a Venture Capital Investor
Learn the three key venture capital investment fallacies and how to avoid them so that you can be successful in fund raising for your venture. Understand the venture capital investor perspective and priorities so you can get in front of the right investor at the right time with the right opportunity. So what do venture capital investors want? Fundamentally they want to make money. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean they will always have that priority. Venture capital investors will tell … [Read more...]
TheUC 016: Sell to the RIGHT Customers at the RIGHT Price at the RIGHT Time
Making money depends on getting your product sold to the RIGHT customer at the RIGHT price at the RIGHT time. Business development means developing a pipeline of business so that you can ultimately sell to them. Many business development and sales people think they are good at their jobs, but the proof is found in actual and profitable transactions. Building the most valuable, long-term customer base that generates tangible revenues takes time, persistence, and availability at the right time … [Read more...]
TheUC 008: Selling and Presenting Yourself
Putting yourself out there effectively in the business world is essential. Whether you are pitching to investors, selling your product, building a customer base, recruiting, or interviewing, you are at some level selling yourself. Presenting yourself in a successful way is very challenging. Some are 'too slick,' and some are downright squeamish about presenting themselves. This episode discusses the many different audiences that you will need to present yourself while offering tactics for … [Read more...]